Bird Strike

Committee U.S.A.

Bird Strike Committee USA (BSC USA) is dedicated to providing leadership in managing wildlife hazards to aviation.

Since 1991

Bird Strike Committee USA (BSC USA) is a forum

to facilitate the exchange of information and to promote:

  • The collection and analysis of accurate wildlife strike data
  • The development of new technologies for reducing wildlife hazards
  • Professionalism in wildlife management programs on airports through training and the advocacy of high standards of conduct for airport biologists and wildlife management staff


Since 1991, BSC USA has served as the national expert body and liaison to the FAA, national/international Bird Strike Committees, and to other professional aviation and wildlife organizations on aviation wildlife hazards.

Our primary objective is to facilitate the exchange of information about the management of wildlife hazards and risk to aviation safety. For more about our mission and objectives, see our bylaws.

Outreach And Education

Annual Conference

Bird Strike Committee USA has presented or participated in an international conferences since 1999 that include key note speakers, panel discussions, presentations, and an annual photo and poster contest. Every third year, BSC USA participates with Bird Strike Committee Canada to present a North American Bird Strike Conference in Canada.


Hot Topics

BSC USA highlights one topic each quarter to bring attention to a current event or new innovation in the field.



BSC USA includes representatives from the FAA, U.S. Department of Agriculture – Wildlife Services, U.S. Department of Defense, airports, airlines, and public and private organizations worldwide involved in aviation wildlife hazard management.
Membership to BSC USA is free of charge.